Second Glance

Still reeling from the loss of the coal and coke industry,
compounded with the devastating effects of the
opioid epidemic, small rural communities throughout
Appalachia appear to have little opportunity for
residents and visitors alike, and at first glance,
Portsmouth seems no different…

…but slow down and you’ll catch a glimpse of what
the rest of us have been seeing for years: a community
on the brink of total transformation. With an unmatched energy for revitalization, local residents are committed to progress and are introducing grassroots initiatives to re-imagine and re-invent the city from the inside out, developing opportunities where none previously existed and daring you to take a second glance.

Second Glance is a two-year collaborative art-making project to engage and empower the Portsmouth community and revitalize areas of impact by installing community created public art such as:

  • Asphalt art
    (crosswalks, sidewalks, intersections, street murals)

  • Community photography

  • Storefront art & vinyl photography

  • Basketball court murals at Mound Park

  • Interactive poetry buttons

  • Murals

  • Utility box art

  • Installations, environments, and collaborative sculpture

  • Happenings and performance art

    Artwork focuses on promoting positivity and local culture, and will engage the
    community at every process, from design to installation.

    Click here to see the full project proposal.

To submit designs or photos for consideration, please email us at and include the following information (submissions without complete information will be returned).
***Please note that selected designs will receive compensation. 

  • Name

  • Telephone number

  • Email address

  • Any information about the design or photo

Our Sponsors

Photographic window art is designed and led by Edwin Martell of Elm Street Photography

  • For Residents

    Designs and photos may be submitted in either digital or printed format and must include the following information:

    Telephone Number
    Email address
    Information about the photo being submitted

    ***Submissions with incomplete information will be returned

  • For Businesses

    Please click below to receive a free quote for window art.